Three Ways To Be Rich
Once upon a time, there was only one way to be rich: Be powerful. If you were powerful, you could take from others. Through force, you...
The Dominant Game Of Baseball
For most of baseball history, major league scouts were looking for “Five-Tool Players.” To be a Five-Tool Player, you need to be better...
Embedding A Zero-Sum Game In A Positive-Sum Game
Everybody likes a good Zero-Sum Game. Whether you’re watching or playing a sport, you like the tension. You like the effort it takes to...
Games In The Office
In the Spy's Guide books, Positive-Sum Games and Zero-Sum Games are a simple way to develop effective strategies. Author Chris Illuminati...
Why Americans Are Confused About "Trade Wars"
In a jokey New York Times article, John Schwartz writes about starting a “trade war” against Whole Foods. He consults with two...

A Mistake Writers Make
If you’re a reader, you’ve probably read a book by Malcolm Gladwell. Either his bestsellers The Tipping Point, Outliers or his more...
Silicon Valley Investor Naval On Positive-Sum and Zero-Sum Games
Investor Naval Ravikant is considered a sage in Silicon Valley. Dilbert creator and tech investor Scott Adams calls him one of the...

The Framework (And Strategy) Of Left-Center-Right Politics
The framework in A Spy’s Guide To Strategy is a powerful tool. It’s useful for simplifying complex strategic situations. So you can make...